posted ago by Quato ago by Quato +18 / -0

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages conditioning

noun the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.

People respond to conditioning.

They also recognize patterns. The tendency for gays and transgenders to identify as democrats is painfully obvious. Scott Weiner in CA decriminalizing AIDs transmission.

People also recognize when they are not getting the whole story. Remember when Paul Pelosi had that gay hammer attack? Even the layman would recognize something fishy was going on. Being attacked by someone you know with a hammer is a personal attack. It was a huge source of comedic conjecture. But even the most ardent democrat could dismiss all that as conspiracy.

Now that we have Obama's chef dead under suspicious circumstances. Blunt force trauma and reportedly, little water in the lungs for someone who had 'drowned.' This is getting people to talk about the Obama's relationship. If you hadn't heard Michelle refered to as Michael, you're getting it on overdrive now.

If we revisit Adam Schiff and Ed Buck whose kink is to rape an unconscious boy, we'll see that this behavior is a pattern for these folks. Standard Hotel.

But in order for the normies to believe these scenarios, there must first be an established pattern of behavior. The people must be conditioned to believe that this is possible. Sound of Freedom is waking people up to the child trafficking.

Normies can see that school teachers are grooming their young students as well as Target.

Normies can see their favorite piss water beer be destroyed by transgender wokeism.

Hunter Biden laptop had to be confirmed as real beforehand.

Now if there is surveillance video of a violent murder taking place at Hussein or Big Mike's hands, or at least a clumsy dumping of the body along with a flimsy excuse, the public is now conditioned for the tribal attire pics or video mentioned in drop Q1043


922075 Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire. One of many. Net shut down. Q

Obamas disappearing.



598223 When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. Q

Once normies see Hussein killing/dumping a body in a pond near his house, a cascade of photos and videos can come out and be believed.

Can't write off that many videos as AI. AI is obvious still at this point.

It takes time to establish all this for normies. They must be first hammered constantly with wokeism from all angles to be open to accepting this.

I believe we are getting close.