If [THEY] can manage to find a convincing non-wokey to do the deed... [THEY] will. If not, who knows. [THEY] did his Dad and Uncle right in front of a populace slightly less brainwashed than today's. Always remember all... ALL the minions and useful idiots are only important until those folks are no longer useful to [THEIR] agendas. Also keep in mind that even those in the "club" are all vying for the throne at all times. [THEY] will eat [THEIR] own for the agendas as well.
If [THEY] can manage to find a convincing non-wokey to do the deed... [THEY] will. If not, who knows. [THEY] did his Dad and Uncle right in front of a populace slightly less brainwashed than today's. Always remember all... ALL the minions and useful idiots are only important until those folks are no longer useful to [THEIR] agendas. Also keep in mind that even those in the "club" are all vying for the throne at all times. [THEY] will eat [THEIR] own for the agendas as well.
...you have a firm grasp of the situational reality...