Anybody have a connection to the people who run this site? I have a suggestion and complaint.
Complaint is they constantly link news stories from shithole liberal fake news sites and are getting these BS sites "Clicks" they can use to make more money :(
Suggestion: on the main web page, put a note on each link clearly showing what site the link will take you to.
We are at War and none of us should ever visit a fake news website bumping up the the visitor numbers they can use to charge advertisers more money
If you hover your mouse over the link, the URL will show on the bottom of your browser
Sounds like the best option is to remove that site from your bookmarks and quit whining. Haven't visited that site for years.
"Whining" hahaha
So let me get this right you don't want us to go to other news sites to get what they're saying because it gets them clicks. We have to do that we have to go to other websites to research do you not understand that. It's not about getting them clicks and money it's about getting our facts.
So news sources are binary? we either support fake news sites or get no news?
Um . . . ok
I get a lot of news from that sight, and I am not opposed to people making an honest living. As far as putting in those links not showing a note- we do it here all the time. You have to click the link to find out what the post is about.
I suggest you find another source and don't bash the few that do have real news.
Kane seems to run a tight ship over there. I’ve followed CFP since 2018 at least. The comment section is ripe for red pilling IMHO. I think Kane is just a bad ass old fashioned news guy, not necessarily WH.