PART 1 – The SARS-CoV2 Pandemic
Despite the apparent failure of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic to usher in the Great Reset, it was successful in other ways for laying the foundation of a one world government. Don’t be fooled. This pandemic is over, but the public health powers are not. All that is needed now is another 'crisis' to herd the masses into accepting world government. This brings up the next question, ‘What will be the next crisis?’ The use of emergencies, man-made disasters, and war have been used repeatedly in the past to successfully get people depending on government for finding the ‘solution’. In a recent interview (now banned on Youtube) with James O’Keefe, Robert Kennedy, Jr. befittingly recognized that, “Fear is recognized [forever] as a governing tool. And particularly for totalitarian elements, it’s always been the most attractive…. but fear, it’s the most potent one.” . Fear is the prime mover in all emergencies. The greater the fear, the greater the paralysis and confusion.
I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. – Psalm 34:4
So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” – Hebrews 13:16
A glaring example of this was the experimental SARS-CoV2 mRNA campaign. Out of manufactured fear, the delivery was consistent to the tactic of ‘shock-and-awe’ (‘rapid dominance’), in which the majority of Americans were compelled and coerced to go along with what government insisted they do. Again, the key word here is ‘fear’ with its intended aftermath of paralysis and confusion.
“In July 2020, Yale University announced a study of the trigger words and phrases that would have a higher likelihood of promoting an otherwise individualistic society to quietly follow mandates (not laws) to control behavior. The phrases tested were believed to be most successful at conveying feelings about health, helping others and fear.
In October 2019, a pandemic round table meeting called Event 201 brought together many high-ranking men and women with governmental authority. There were 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise. Participants included representatives from the World Economic Forum, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Johns Hopkins University Population Center, the World Bank, the Chinese government and vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson. The transcript from Event 201 openly suggests it was planned and frighteningly close to what actually transpired since January 2020. It may have been a coincidence to predict one or two major public health decisions, but it appears that the group was either remarkably prophetic or were complicit in shaping the decisions and events of 2020 from behind the scenes. A growing number of people are awakening to the realization that powerful forces were attempting to usher in a wold government. As part of that plan was a worldwide depopulation effort. The size and scope of such a plan was so colossal many people couldn’t believe such a nefarious plan was possible in today’s world. The world’s elite were attempting to use a medical emergency and the ensuing panic to lock-down the global population under a medical Marshall Law. Without lawful informed consent and by using the most coercive methods, an experimental vaccine was sanctioned. To many people, it was a wake up call of biblical proportions. The evidence keeps pouring in and suggests we are living in biblical times. And if the SARS-CoV2 pandemic was conceived, coordinated, and sanctioned by the world’s elite and powerful, then it’s reasonable to believe most of the emergencies (man-made disasters; arson, industrial sabotage, plane crashes, forest fires, train derailments, mass shootings, terrorist acts, wars, etc.) have purposely been created for similar reasons.
Public emergencies always follows the problem-reaction-solution thesis. This is actually a simplified version of the psychological effects of trauma, to which there are five recognized stages of human behavior in dealing with it. The ‘COVID-19 pandemic is no exception to the ensuing trauma that it caused. It must be remembered that it was all concocted for an insidious purpose. I recall 'Q' saying that 7 out of 10 planes crashes are targeted kills.
Ponder if you will on what was written here. This is an incredible statement. From what we have learned from the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, the lock-downs, and the abject evil that was perpetuated in murdering the elderly and the innocent, it is well within the realm of possibilities. It is part of the biblical times we are living. Accordingly, we must have an open mind to the risk of incredible evil affecting us and our loved ones. Psychologically, we must accept all the possibilities and set them on the table.
Just as plane crashes are used for a desired result, national emergencies, man-made disasters; arson, industrial sabotage, train derailments, forest fires, mass shootings, terrorist acts, wars, and others may be used in the same way. The desired result repeatedly points to an unmistakable direction and the eerie feeling that we are being led. Like an easy target, the public is being set up, deceived, and being prepared for a false flag. In terms of false flag events, consider the story of Lee Harvey Oswald being set up as the easy target (patsy) and blamed for JFK’s assassination. Then think more expansively to the over a thousand J6ers, who were essentially set up as patsies and used in this great false flag event. The false flags have only gotten bigger. What was the purpose of each of these false flag events? Ironically, they are related and is part of the dark world we are living. Those responsible bore false witness against the many innocent and profited lavishly from their Faustian bargain with their master, who they recognize as being Lucifer.
Since the JFK assassination, a dark force has been controlling both political parties and the three letter agencies.
We now know from the SARS-CoV2 pandemic that false flags have been taken to levels of unprecedented heights, to which an entire population of people having objections based on religious and philosophical grounds to vax☠xination were discriminated against and persecuted, fired from their jobs, and jailed. Churches and places of worship were closed down. Under emergency authority, it confirmed that in this setting the religious rights of Americans is subject to the whims of government.
The digital vax☠xine registration system was set up and field tested with partnerships between government and public corporations. Without the required App on a smart phone to prove vax☠x status, several cities during the lock-down required retail businesses, restaurants, and public travel to deny service. Many Christians interpreted it with biblical proportion and was the advent of the Beast System. The pieces are coming together and we are being set up for the next and perhaps the last great false flag card.
Next, PART 2 – “Ramping Up The UFO Disclosure Campaign”
Go To "PROLOGUE – Biblical Times" To Begin "UFO Disclosure And The Last False Flag Card' Series.