The Only Two Backdoors the Elites have left: Technology & Finance.
- They are building the TET from the movie 'oblivion'.
An AI linked to a spacecraft that harms humans isnt far fetched at all at this point.
It doesnt matter what the laws on the books are if they have technology that can 'backdoor' your life. The VAX is one example.
Much worse is either already in existence or on the way.
How do we stop this?
- Money; if they control your money through CBDC (central bank digital currency) or wreck the economy altogether to where you cannot buy anything you need, then it doesnt matter what laws are on the books
The flipside is also true. Case in point; WORLDCOIN
They can, HAVE, and DO, bait people into giving up thier sovereignty, freedom, and privacy in exchange for new ways of earning money
See: FACEBOOK ADS for businesses, WORLDCOIN for OPENAI. People are literally KNEELING BEFORE AN ORB TO SCAN THIER EYEBALLS to gain a few cents in supposed 'universal income'.
Crypto staking destroys the need for universal basic income; thats why biden and gensler hate crypto; they want you using thiers, not yours.
Crypto and all positive technologies must be protected and remain decentalized.
What can YOU do to stop this?
If you can make one person understand the real nature of money, you are already on the right path for this Great Awakening.
If you can make then realise they are slaves, thats a bonus, but usually they figure it out on their own once you open the doors.
Elites cannot do anything to us that a majority of us dont consent to. Great Awakening is the only way out of this slavery.
"Elites cannot do anything to us that a majority of us don't consent to"
Absolutely the most important fact in all of this and human life as a whole.
Its why they verbally pushed the vaccine; they needed to gain consent. Like a verbally pushy rapist.