I know we were watching a comedy when they brought out that woman Jean something from NY store. Might as well indicted him for farting. Trump is a big man so he passed more gas and created global warming.
Of course their charges are insane. That means nothing if Insanity is normal to MSM and liberal/communism. The test will be If LAWs and PROOF of crimes are actually still enforced by Real judges.
I know we were watching a comedy when they brought out that woman Jean something from NY store. Might as well indicted him for farting. Trump is a big man so he passed more gas and created global warming.
Of course their charges are insane. That means nothing if Insanity is normal to MSM and liberal/communism. The test will be If LAWs and PROOF of crimes are actually still enforced by Real judges.
Sure hope the judges will dare to stand up. Some have.