US credit score downgraded, inflation at it's highest in years, interest rates at highest point in 26 years. And this is your president.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
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Let Them Eat Cake! He has already made his millions though illegal avenues. That if we did it we would be arrested and jailed for 20 years. He does not care about your family's struggles.
I DO hope you all realize that Alzheimer's just MIGHT be his card to NOT stand trial...MENTALLY INCAPACITATED...and just for sh!ts & giggles:
They are unable to understand what they are being charged with
They are not capable to assist their attorney in their own defense, such as by being unable to understand questions asked or provide relevant info
A psychiatric evaluation determines that a mental health condition exists causing the incompetency
NOW, which one does potato head fall under?????