No context of the question. My best guess is he’s talking about attending the Right to Life rally and simply jumbled his words. When he says, Sitting President, for life…..he means the only sitting President to attend, promoting life.
If the plan works out, we won't need Trump in office more than his next term. Sure wouldn't want whatever party rises out of the D party's ashes, to get ideas and think that they could one day have a leader elected that could serve for more than 2 terms.
No context of the question. My best guess is he’s talking about attending the Right to Life rally and simply jumbled his words. When he says, Sitting President, for life…..he means the only sitting President to attend, promoting life.
That makes the most sense.
yes, Sitting President to publicly stand for Pro Life
That's what he said. At this point in time, I wouldn't object!! I don't think it would be constitutional, though...
If the plan works out, we won't need Trump in office more than his next term. Sure wouldn't want whatever party rises out of the D party's ashes, to get ideas and think that they could one day have a leader elected that could serve for more than 2 terms.
Pro life. Aka anti-abortion . Still, I like how you're choosing to understand this. I'd like it if he were permanent POTUS for life, yes. Bigly.