The 144,000 is brought up early in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The sealed in their foreheads. First mention is in the breaking of the seals of the book of God by Jesus Christ. This is important because when God's book is opened in our life, everything changes.
People get confused with the natural and the spiritual when looking at the book of Revelation. If we make Isreal natural, we miss the intent of the spiritual.
Revelation 7:4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
The 144,000 is not a number of people, it is a symbol of perfect government, it is a symbol of a government order or body of people who follow only Jesus Christ.
Isreal is not nature Isreal it is spiritual Isreal, of which all the children of the new birth in Jesus Christ are a part of. You are spiritual Isreal.
"The Bible says there wrestled a man with Jacob all night long. And toward the breaking of the day, when he prevailed not, the man touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh and Jacob became absolutely helpless and could walk no longer in his own strength. And then the picture changes. No longer is the angel of the Lord wrestling with Jacob, but now Jacob is wrestling with the angel of the Lord! And he takes a fresh hold upon the angel of the Lord, and the angel of the Lord said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. The angel really didn’t want Jacob to let go, he was only testing Jacob to see how hard Jacob could hang on. And Jacob takes a fresh grip, and says, I will not let you go until I get the blessing! And the angel of the Lord says, What is your name? He says, Jacob, — schemer, grasper, supplanter. And the angel says, No, thou shalt no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, Prince of God! For as a prince hast thou power with God and men, for thou hast prevailed. No longer Jacob, schemer, grasper, supplanter, but Israel, Prince of God. And as such Jacob was only the type of all those in every generation that God calls by His Spirit, out of the world, to change their nature from the nature of schemer, grasper, supplanter, that is, fleshly dependency and effort, to a prince of God with power. Then He gives them a new name to fit their new nature! Therefore, Jacob was the first Israel, for he was the first called out of the world that God might change his name and his nature."
Much more in the link:
"The 144,000 are divided into classes called by the names of the twelve tribes of Israel — the twelve tribes of those who are the Princes of God! It is a common mistake to think of these as the natural, fleshly tribes of Israel, either of the Jews or the ten-tribed house of Israel. But the Revelation is a spiritual book and these are symbols! If the four angels, the four winds, the four corners of the earth, the seal of the living God, the earth, sea, and trees, are symbols, then the twelve tribes that are sealed are likewise symbols! Can anything be plainer than that? These are character names, indicating the various aspects of character developed spiritually in every son of God. It doesn’t indicate different groups or companies of God’s elect, each company bearing the characteristics of only one of the tribes of Israel. These twelve spiritual character traits represent twelve steps in our experience of Christ by which we progressively put on the mind of Christ and grow up into His mature nature and character — the nature and character of sonship to God! Twelve is the number of divine government, therefore these twelve steps bring us to the throne of God’s kingdom to govern the world in righteousness and reign with Christ over all things!"