HERE IT IS --> "Into The Light" which can be viewed under the Fair Use Provision of Title 17 USC
I created the two Links below. The entire film is only 1 hr and 7 minutes - so ignore the weird times shown - I think Rumble is still working that out.
USC Title 17's Fair Use provision allows this sharing as teaching, and I have given generously in this effort, these are links to my personal Rumble Channel.
I am NOT monetizing whatsoever and these links are not searchable - you are specifically invited.
I appreciate the efforts of Mike Smith, et al. Rumble only allows me to upload 15 gb, that is why I separated the film into 2 parts.
There is a part where a PSY OP paper written by a Colonel is shown - very quickly. I stopped and went back because I saw something else that chilled me to the core.
Major Michael Aquino was also listed -- he is the Satanist that was in school at Fort McNair, Wash., DC when I was stationed there in the Staff Chaplains Office. I passed him in a breezeway one afternoon and I will never forget the evil I sensed.
We let a Satanist - a practicing Devil Worshipper into our military - because ALL are welcome -- mistake #1.
Mistake #2 was the whole non-profit churches being restricted from talking about politics crap.
We didn't just let this sneak into our country -- it was forced on our schools, churches, and military because we lost sight of GOD and HIS founding of our nation. If we can just get back to the basics of WHO created us and get off the throne -- we may just have a fighting chance.
But, until then -- I hope to see me some GITMO action - really soon.
Mistake #2 was the whole non-profit churches being restricted from talking about politics crap.
What would be your thoughts on how we can overcome this and bring together the churches
Just my personal thoughts -- as a preacher's kid in the 70's I was wise beyond my years -- not bragging, just saying it was not pleasant. I knew a lot was wrong, but I was stifled and we were not allowed to talk about any of it -- women's lib, abortion, women in the pulpit, etc.
When Nixon resigned our youth group was at the beach in Caswell, NC. We were watching the TV and it was turned off and we were told that it was not a conversation we could have at a church event. I knew that meant I had to find out more. That's just how my mind worked. I did the best I could in the library and then I asked elderly people that I trusted. That's when I found out why my Dad was not allowed to talk about politics from the pulpit... now 50+ years later -- look where we are.
I know that Jesus said, "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." But I don't think it meant that suppression of truth was part of the deal.
When the church shares the Bible's Truth - of course, toes are stepped on, but there's something that speaks to the conscious at the same time that forces us to admit - hey - he/she is right.
I have often wondered how many people in my church would stay and continue to give their tithes if the church relinquished it's non-profit status. How bad would the church lose funds?
Have you ever given money and then received a miracle? If I am wise, the truth being taught in the church would have no bearing on me either donating my tithe and not worrying about a tax write off, or just not donating at all - either way, I would be able to think critically about the fact that there must be something the government doesn't want me to learn if they are restricting speech via the tax code.
It's possible to form discussion groups or ecclesia from among church members or social groups. Meet at someone's house and show how events in society compare to what is in scripture. Most churches have social halls where people can spread the news about the discussion groups.