If you search the Q archive for “spelling” or “typo”, there are more posts in total about legitimate mistakes than meaningful false “mistakes”. Swapping B for N is very easy to do by mistake. Unless someone finds an interpretation more plausible than that it was a typo, I’m just gonna say it’s a typo.
President Trump is one of the most consequential figures in recent history. He has created Panic in DC and other Cabal strongholds. Because of their impact it’s highly unlikely his social media comments aren’t scrutinized by a team before being posted.
that was my guess...i always end up putting q's where a's should be somehow, the only key that it hqppens with too. I find that quite comical when it happens, and sometimes just leave the q there 😂
Or its because the keys N and B are next to each other on the keyboard.
not if we're taking Q at their word, which we tend to
If you search the Q archive for “spelling” or “typo”, there are more posts in total about legitimate mistakes than meaningful false “mistakes”. Swapping B for N is very easy to do by mistake. Unless someone finds an interpretation more plausible than that it was a typo, I’m just gonna say it’s a typo.
Don't actively use Truth. Can entries be edited after submission?
President Trump is one of the most consequential figures in recent history. He has created Panic in DC and other Cabal strongholds. Because of their impact it’s highly unlikely his social media comments aren’t scrutinized by a team before being posted.
I often imagine the team of people who read what's written before it goes off into the world
that was my guess...i always end up putting q's where a's should be somehow, the only key that it hqppens with too. I find that quite comical when it happens, and sometimes just leave the q there 😂