I spent the summer of 1966 in a house on the Beach in San Diego, with a front door only 20 yards or so from the water. Still have family in the SD area, including a brother who lives near the beach and surfs.
There hasn't BEEN any sea-level rise in the past half-century.
Climate Change is (as we all know here) just another red herring designed to frighten the masses, solidify control by the psychopathic "elite", and suck our bank accounts dry in the process. A bit more CO2 will help plants grow and might slow the actual ICE AGE that would likely be starting about now.
The real environmental problem is pollution -- plastic everywhere, ten thousand man-made chemicals everywhere (not to mention chemtrails), GMOs in our food and elsewhere, light pollution, sound pollution, and EMFs saturating and disrupting the natural world, etc.
Boyan Slat is taking care of the ocean plastic pollution, having started off as a 20 year old with a Go-Fund-Me program. He out did all the fat cat corporatists and belly achers in government with huge budgets and think tanks. I agree pollution is a problem. Also too many species are disappearing. But the fascist deep state is more interested in making up scary climate stories so they can control us and fleece us even more.
I spent the summer of 1966 in a house on the Beach in San Diego, with a front door only 20 yards or so from the water. Still have family in the SD area, including a brother who lives near the beach and surfs.
There hasn't BEEN any sea-level rise in the past half-century.
Climate Change is (as we all know here) just another red herring designed to frighten the masses, solidify control by the psychopathic "elite", and suck our bank accounts dry in the process. A bit more CO2 will help plants grow and might slow the actual ICE AGE that would likely be starting about now.
The real environmental problem is pollution -- plastic everywhere, ten thousand man-made chemicals everywhere (not to mention chemtrails), GMOs in our food and elsewhere, light pollution, sound pollution, and EMFs saturating and disrupting the natural world, etc.
Boyan Slat is taking care of the ocean plastic pollution, having started off as a 20 year old with a Go-Fund-Me program. He out did all the fat cat corporatists and belly achers in government with huge budgets and think tanks. I agree pollution is a problem. Also too many species are disappearing. But the fascist deep state is more interested in making up scary climate stories so they can control us and fleece us even more.