This one seems to be condensed from the original which was about twice the length, and also went a bit more into Q. I remember in the full length there is a section about what happened when President Trump first visited the Queen and laid the NSA’s evidence on her. I also think it went into Trump’s visit to Japan before he met with China, his visit with China and how he refused to “cross the line” into the Forbidden City, and how he leveraged China into the plan. It also had sections on his first visit with Putin, the soccer ball, and then how he negotiated with North Korea and cut those strings.
This one seems to be condensed from the original which was about twice the length, and also went a bit more into Q. I remember in the full length there is a section about what happened when President Trump first visited the Queen and laid the NSA’s evidence on her. I also think it went into Trump’s visit to Japan before he met with China, his visit with China and how he refused to “cross the line” into the Forbidden City, and how he leveraged China into the plan. It also had sections on his first visit with Putin, the soccer ball, and then how he negotiated with North Korea and cut those strings.
Do you have a link to the original or the title?
I think this might be it.
Thank you. I'll give it a look.