sun_wolf 5 points ago +5 / -0

Vance is brilliant but Trump is a genius. Think of the highlights. “Only Rosie O’Donnell.” “Because you’d be in jail.” “Locker room talk.” With “locker room talk”, he took a scandal that would have forced any other politician to drop out, and he neutralized it with THREE WORDS. That is next level shit. Vance is great and very smooth in his delivery, but Trump actually changes the culture, Trump changes the way people think.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liberals pretend to believe that every human has a right to health care, unless you disagree with them about Big Pharma, then they think people should be barred from health care.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would anyone listen? “Trump is forcing the military to say this anti-science nonsense. Ignore!”

Seems like the corporate media would have easily been able to make people believe the CDC, the FDA, the medical community, and the scientific journals were more credible on a medical issue than “Trump’s army”.

People like to pretend they always knew the CDC and the FDA and the medical community and scientific journals were all corrupt nonsense and that vaccines were bad, and a handful of people did, but MOST people trusted all these people and all these organizations and called anyone who questioned it an “anti-vaxxer”. People forget what a slur “anti-vaxxer” was before the Covid Hoax. If someone found out you were an “anti-vaxxer”, you could lose your friends, your job, your children.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Trump didn’t get hit with a bullet, it was a little piece of glass from a teleprompter, okay - well, fine, the teleprompters were in mint condition so okay, fine, but it still wasn’t a bullet, it was just SHRAPNEL from a bullet, a little teeny tiny piece of shr - okay, no, that’s not a thing, forget that, what it ACTUALLY was - it was fake blood, see, like from a squib, and what he did was actually nothing, because none of this even happened, bullet? shooter? as if! There was nothing. Nothing happened.”

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Biden had a cold.”

Did you fall for that one too?

What about, “Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack. He’s never been sharper.”

The experts said it so you must have believed that one too.

I mean, heck, it’s not like the experts would ever LIE. They would NEVER forge a fake study and publish it in The Lancet to get the cure to a virus in the middle of a pandemic pulled from the shelves. That kind of thing JUST DOESN’T HAPPEN.

sun_wolf 11 points ago +11 / -0

We might have cracked the liberal programming and the corporate media knows it. We naively thought the way to wake up liberals was with stories of raped and murdered women and children. They talk so much about the “war on women” and “do it for the children” but for some reason they never seemed to care.

Then we thought maybe it was because the women and children being raped and murdered were white, and that’s why liberals yawned at the horrors. “They’re white. Who cares? Bitch deserved to get raped and killed.” That was their attitude. They wouldn’t say it loud, but that’s how they felt.

So we went to them instead with stories of black and brown women who were raped and murdered by illegal aliens. Surely, surely, this would get through to them!

But they STILL didn’t care. We were baffled. But now it makes sense. It was the pets. It was always the pets.

Liberals view reality like a movie. If a woman gets raped and killed, even if she’s black, they care about as much as they do when someone gets killed in a movie. It’s all fake to them. But pets? They CAN’T STAND when a pet dies in a movie. Even when it actually IS pretend, they can’t handle it. They sob. They get angry. They get outraged.

Illegal aliens kill pets. Liberals can’t argue for this one. They can’t dismiss it. They can’t laugh it off.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where are the clips of her “baiting” him? They keep saying it, like a scripted talking point, but no clips? If it was true, the clips would be everywhere. But they can’t show the clips because they won’t match what they claim. It’s better for them to repeat it over and over and over again and try to reshape everyone’s memory of the debate. As soon as they show a clip, it will undermine that effort. The clip will make Trump look good. It will show him making a forceful point.

Compare that to the Biden debate. There were clips galore. And the clips made him look bad.

That’s how you know it’s gaslighting. They want to shape your perception, but without any backing evidence of what you are meant to perceive.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where are the clips of her “baiting” him? They keep saying it, like a scripted talking point, but no clips? If it was true, the clips would be everywhere. But they can’t show the clips because they won’t match what they claim. It’s better for them to repeat it over and over and over again and try to reshape everyone’s memory of the debate. As soon as they show a clip, it will undermine that effort. The clip will make Trump look good. It will show him making a forceful point.

Compare that to the Biden debate. There were clips galore. And the clips made him look bad.

That’s how you know it’s gaslighting. They want to shape your perception, but without any backing evidence of what you are meant to perceive.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

If he destroyed Harris like he did Biden, they could swap her out for someone else. Probably Hillary or Obama. Even if it’s “against the rules”, exceptions could be made. Especially if Republicans allow it. The corporate media would say it’s not fair not to have a Democrat ticket on the ballot because of some technicality of a candidate being swapped out, and Republicans would allow it, saying they don’t want to win by default.

sun_wolf 5 points ago +6 / -1

You’re being hysterical. You don’t write like a woman though.

sun_wolf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then the moderator debates back even more.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scott Adams says LOVE TRUMPS HATE was terrible persuasion in Win Bigly and explains why (the first two words say LOVE TRUMP). But I agree that they are professional gaslighters and sometimes their persuasion is strong. Owen Benjamin is also brilliant with this stuff: language, branding, and rhetoric, and that’s why they had to cancel him harder than anybody, and for less (he said a four-year-old can’t be trans back when everyone thought the trans movement was SOOOOO great).

I think they are mostly pretty weak when it comes to brainwashing though and are only getting by because they were handed full control of the machine. They aren’t even especially smooth with their programming anymore, but just try to ram it down by force. Star Wars for example. If they had been smarter and more creative, they could have turned Star Wars demonic and gay but they got impatient, rushed it, hired the wrong people, and ruined the property. Exactly like a bunch of inexperienced old money rich kids who were handed the keys to the castle and immediately start breaking shit. Or the tranny shit. Dylan Mulvaney was terrible branding for them. They’ve realized it now and pulled him but at one point they thought he was going to help them? Stupid.

They’re like kids playing a videogame with an invincibility cheat code. But they’re still losing because they can’t get the timing right on a complicated jump pattern because as much power as the cheat code gives, it can’t do everything.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +6 / -2

As soon as I hear the Mockingbird keyword “bait” I know somebody has been staring too hard into their TV and has been brainwashed. You open your mouth and out comes little rainbow clown cars.

Your thoughts - are they even your own?

If the Clowns In America had decided to turn on Kamala, and the keywords instead were SCARED and UNPREPARED then that’s what everyone would be repeating instead, thinking THOSE were their true thoughts and true perception. “I watched the debate tonight and I don’t know man, Kamala just looked SCARED and UNPREPARED.”

sun_wolf 6 points ago +6 / -0

They could have swapped him out in October and then there would have been no time to expose her. Debates would be over. Most of the campaign would be over. She could have avoided the press for two weeks easily. Maybe done one or two rallies. With hardly any time for Trump to brand her or Republicans to expose her positions.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +5 / -1

It could be they were going to swap out Biden for Harris in October so she wouldn’t have to debate or do rallies or interviews and Trump and the Republicans wouldn’t have time to expose her. By debating Biden, Trump might have forced the swap out sooner so she would have to campaign and debate him.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

At the town hall Trump said the true poll numbers were 75% to 25%.

sun_wolf 7 points ago +7 / -0

There seems to be a breed of dude on the right who isn’t evil but simply can’t be bothered to read the Q drops themselves. I think it might be one of those things where they are so late to the game, that even trying to look into them seems exhausting and confusing. These people also seem like they might be Sensers on the Meyers-Briggs personality spectrum so they really hate anything that seems like a riddle, or indirect. These were the types who back at the time would get super mad at Q and say, “Enough riddles! Say it directly!” They never understood or accepted that Q was declas without declas - that it was a loophole to get around the official rules of declas. And it made it difficult for them to prosecute or impeach Trump for it because Trump had plausible deniability.

The other problem I think these people run into is they start on Q post number one, it says Crooked Hillary will be indicted, she wasn’t (?), and so they tap out right there. “Clearly fake.” So they never go any deeper or look into it beyond that. They’re not curious how or why millions of people would think there is something to this. And I believe it was designed that way. For anyone who needs a quick out because they were not going to be able to handle declas, Q gave it to them. The choice to know will be yours.

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that true? I took the horse paste and thought I measured it out properly (it was a small dollop) but actually feel like it might have done some damage?? I’m all for Ivermectin but since then I’ve thought maybe taking actual horse medicine wasn’t totally wise. Can’t get the actual stuff. Doctors won’t prescribe it. If you order it online, they confiscated it at the post office.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

DEI was supposed to be their soft friendly replacement for CRT. Then we memed DEI so hard they themselves now think of it as a slur. It’s THEIR fucking word.

sun_wolf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump is shaking the box. This is where the establishment loses it because all their advisors and experts don’t have a playbook for this.

sun_wolf 1 point ago +1 / -0

My theory is she was the one who was tasked with implementing the Jussie hoax. I suspect once Jussie was caught, he flipped and ratted on Harris. Showed them the texts, e-mails, how it was coordinated, all of it. Then Harris, now caught, ratted on whoever put her up to it (Obamas?). And as part of her plea, she was controlled and used for this role.

Biden I think it was similar. They probably caught him through Hunter and Biden flipped on the Obamas too.

My hunch though is the Obamas won’t flip and even if they are shown proof of their crimes, their attitude is, “The American public loves us so much, you guys don’t have the guts to expose us.”

sun_wolf 2 points ago +2 / -0

The part of this that doesn’t make sense to me is even if Harris turns on him, it’s not automatic. Biden is allowed to challenge it. Then it goes to the Senate and they need 2/3rds to remove him. If Republicans don’t vote with the Democrats, Biden stays in.

Could be more that Biden wanted the negative press to stop and that was part of the agreement? “Step down and we’ll make you a hero again”?

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