Hey pedes, frens, and glorious mods!
For those of us who have watched and participated in this 5th Generation Warfare and the civilian side of the Q operation, I want to say I fucking love you all more than can be expressed in words. We have held the faith and steered the world towards the storm, we have steeled our resolves, and become the true beacon of truth and hope for so many people, many of which are just coming to understand the depth and scope of the reality we face. We have risen in the face of a worldwide satanic powerful control system, we wielded the sword of truth, and cut through the constant onslaught of media narratives and psychological operations against us, and still, we prevailed to an extent that would make any historic great strategic commander scratch their head in amazement and bewilderment.
And we did it with fucking memes. Do you recognize the cosmic comedic value of God using his people through shitposting 5 cent graphics to upset a multi trillion dollar global control system? Do you see how hilarious it is from our side, when this is all done, when we look back on our archived FB shitpost accounts and can track 7 years or more of digital warfare and it is pages of Pepe the frog or Trumps smug face?
Its absolutely Beautiful and PERFECT.
something about the way this month has started, and the perspective I hold about where we are in the operation tells me that we are truly about to witness the LORD move across this earth like we've never seen in generations. This year and next will go down as as great a time in our human existence as when Jesus came the first time, or when Moses led the slaves out of Egypt. We're going to experience something truly BIBLICAL.
I know I cannot be the only one feeling this with every fiber of my being, we're getting mighty Precipice-y up in this bitch, and I think from now to NOV will be a ride to remember.
Stay safe, love your brother's and sisters, keep your heads on straight and the eyes on the prize pedes. If it ramps up, we will have another battle on our hands, let's make sure we rise to the occasion and make the last stage of this digital war one to remember for generations to come. Never retreat. Never surrender.
Well said fren.