What do you think the plan is for RFK Jr.?
He knows the DNC is rigging it so he can't be their candidate, and certain states (at least Florida?) wont't let him run as an independent immediately after campaigning as a democrat. So if he can't actually run for president, what's really the point and the plan, here? Purely waking people up? And do you think he's part of The Plan?
My wife had an interesting thought tonight at dinner. She suggested that part of the plan is to ultimately destroy both political parties, and with it the corruption of our two-party system.
She sees what the RNC is doing to Trump, and thinks the RNC is being set up by Trump for destruction. Trump continues to point out corrupt Republicans nearly as often as corrupt Dems. A party zealot wouldn't actively work against his own best interests. Especially since there is so much money to be made by engaging in the corruption.
As we talked, we discussed RFK Jr., how he is red-pilling many Dems and that he might be a Trojan horse. This led to her hypothesis that both parties are targeted for elimination by the White Hats.
It would be glorious to leave both those corrupt parties in history's trash can.
Thought about this. I went to our states Republican convention and read the platform. I agree with everything in it (with exception of the writers not defining what “support for Israel” means.
The issue is the fuckheads pretend to care about anything in there and just do whatever they want.
I guess we can discard both parties and start over or we take our parties back from the fuckheads.
you obviously married well
I hope so