It really pisses me off that our leaders are so weak they cannot decline advances of foreign spys. I get they don't know they are spies but c'mon. They should be smart enough to know, being the career politicians that they usually are, that when anyone or especially an Asian woman is flirting with you and trying to get you to have relations something is up. I speak mostly of the men. If you must cheat on your spouse for whatever reason you feel the need to, make sure its someone you have targeted. A sexy 30 year old asian woman is not interested in a 60 year old man. Its the longest of shots, Be smart. These fuckers are so dumb. They all need to go.
It really pisses me off that our leaders are so weak they cannot decline advances of foreign spys. I get they don't know they are spies but c'mon. They should be smart enough to know, being the career politicians that they usually are, that when anyone or especially an Asian woman is flirting with you and trying to get you to have relations something is up. I speak mostly of the men. If you must cheat on your spouse for whatever reason you feel the need to, make sure its someone you have targeted. A sexy 30 year old asian woman is not interested in a 60 year old man. Its the longest of shots, Be smart. These fuckers are so dumb. They all need to go.
Not just guys. Senator Feinstein's Chinese driver comes to mind.
If you spend a lifetime unable to get laid, then reach a position of power, you're easy prey in that area.