My 32 year-old-niece has Cystic Fibrosis. Vaxxed 4 times via her CF clinic. She’s had Covid TWICE this summer. Her second bout started yesterday. She won’t take Ivermectin—a proven drug with a 60-year safety profile. The disconnect has made me so angry, and so stupefied, I have no words.
So…. You’d rush out for an unstudied, unproven vaccine, but a little $5 drug taken by millions everyday is too dangerous? It just blows my mind. You went from “All In” to danger to risk adverse about Ivermectin and it just defies any kind of logic.
My daughter’s friend, 33 years-old, and three-times vaxxed, was diagnosed with metastasized turbo cervical cancer but she won’t try FenBen, because it’s just too radical. How is it more radical than your untested, dangerous vaccine?
My daughter, three-times vaxxed, can’t get pregnant, but she’d rather sit in her ignorance than do a vaccine-detox protocol comprised of mostly supplements and vitamins?
It’s just so beyond my understanding. It makes absolutely no sense. None at all.
I have no other choice than to believe the people in my life have no brains left. And I fear one day I will be mourning them all.
God help us. Truly. Make this next year “the return of the brain.”
I know the feeling well. We have walked off that battle field and turned it over to God. Any mention of anything not endorsed by CNN is futile. They will trust a stranger but not someone they’ve known for 60 years.
Here's the little mind twist that TV plays - they aren't strangers on TV. These are people who are invited into homes day after day for years. Never a cross word, always smiling, always neat and well dressed, never making any demands on the viewer. Compare that to a real person who can be disagreeable, makes requests, and is interruptive as life demands. It's the same reason people like pets more than other people.
I've known many who think they have friends in TV land. Almost everyone who watches TV eventually thinks they actually get to know the characters portrayed.
People actually become protective over their TV friends, like they are Tamagatchi pets. Believing you is a betrayal of their relationship with their TV friend.