I like the meme, but seriously, these people will always believe they were right, did the right thing, and we ( the people who had it right all along ) were the misguided ones.
It is much easier to believe you have the moral high ground than accept you're just a coward. Some just truly don't have the mental capacity to not be a sheep I get that, but the white hats have literally been spelling it all out in crayon ( to their level ) to help them understand their true reality.
Problem is the msm. For any progress a sheep makes in awakening it makes them a little more scared and confused. That causes them run back to their drug dealer ( tv/msm ) for an explanation ( basically another hit ). This pulls them back in, but gives them that security blanket ( hypnosis - think FOR ME Daddy ) they so desperately need.
We were able to create an intervention for many, but the rest will need much more. They will need to hit rock bottom OR when the herd is large enough, they will just follow and act like they were always a right thinking person. They will ignore all they ever said or have done in the past like it never happened. It's crazy, but truth often is right ?
Most of them will just say they were independent and didn't really support either side. They'll say we got conned though and fell for a sleight of hand trick by the real deep state. They will continue to see themselves as the good guys, and because of this they will see no ethical problem in corrupting the world the bad guys made and being criminals in it.
Even if that world has unity, purpose, ethics, law, justice, liberty, peace, prosperity, opportunity, dignity and respect, they will still see it as the bad guys' world.. Ego is a hell of a drug.
I like the meme, but seriously, these people will always believe they were right, did the right thing, and we ( the people who had it right all along ) were the misguided ones.
It is much easier to believe you have the moral high ground than accept you're just a coward. Some just truly don't have the mental capacity to not be a sheep I get that, but the white hats have literally been spelling it all out in crayon ( to their level ) to help them understand their true reality.
Problem is the msm. For any progress a sheep makes in awakening it makes them a little more scared and confused. That causes them run back to their drug dealer ( tv/msm ) for an explanation ( basically another hit ). This pulls them back in, but gives them that security blanket ( hypnosis - think FOR ME Daddy ) they so desperately need.
We were able to create an intervention for many, but the rest will need much more. They will need to hit rock bottom OR when the herd is large enough, they will just follow and act like they were always a right thinking person. They will ignore all they ever said or have done in the past like it never happened. It's crazy, but truth often is right ?
Most of them will just say they were independent and didn't really support either side. They'll say we got conned though and fell for a sleight of hand trick by the real deep state. They will continue to see themselves as the good guys, and because of this they will see no ethical problem in corrupting the world the bad guys made and being criminals in it.
Even if that world has unity, purpose, ethics, law, justice, liberty, peace, prosperity, opportunity, dignity and respect, they will still see it as the bad guys' world.. Ego is a hell of a drug.
Some of them will blame us for not being convincing enough