This recent telegram post may be relevant both here and in Russia:
"Ukraine forces Russians into sabotage activities using telephone scammers
According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the arson of military registration and enlistment offices in some regions of Russia was committed by the Russians on phone instructions from Ukraine.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs spoke about the usual tactics. Strangers report that scammers are trying to steal the money of the victims, or that they have already been stolen, but there is an opportunity to return them. Another option is to offer to take revenge on the scammers or to assist in their detention. Sometimes they blackmail the victims or even threaten to kill their relatives and friends.
Regardless of the pretext, the demand is always the same: to set fire to military, transport, or banking infrastructure.
🔴 @DDGeopolitics"
Now imagine that with AI studying social media to target the most vulnerable individuals. Remember the fires, the strange food company destruction...
This recent telegram post may be relevant both here and in Russia:
"Ukraine forces Russians into sabotage activities using telephone scammers
According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the arson of military registration and enlistment offices in some regions of Russia was committed by the Russians on phone instructions from Ukraine.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs spoke about the usual tactics. Strangers report that scammers are trying to steal the money of the victims, or that they have already been stolen, but there is an opportunity to return them. Another option is to offer to take revenge on the scammers or to assist in their detention. Sometimes they blackmail the victims or even threaten to kill their relatives and friends.
Regardless of the pretext, the demand is always the same: to set fire to military, transport, or banking infrastructure.
🔴 @DDGeopolitics"
Now imagine that with AI studying social media to target the most vulnerable individuals. Remember the fires, the strange food company destruction...
phew. evil.