The pictures and videos i have seen from Maui are 100% DEW, doubt,.arresting these people for starting the fires are BS,.they know that the people are now finding out that it was Directed Energy Weapons,..and theyre trying to avert attention,.away,.in the videos i saw,trees burning on the inside,no visible burn marks on outside,cars in carpark tyres burnt to the grown cars parked right next to it untouched,houses totally destroyed housed next door untouched,.trees burned down others untouched,. id say D.E. Dubya,..!
The pictures and videos i have seen from Maui are 100% DEW, doubt,.arresting these people for starting the fires are BS,.they know that the people are now finding out that it was Directed Energy Weapons,..and theyre trying to avert attention,.away,.in the videos i saw,trees burning on the inside,no visible burn marks on outside,cars in carpark tyres burnt to the grown cars parked right next to it untouched,houses totally destroyed housed next door untouched,.trees burned down others untouched,. id say D.E. Dubya,..!