Currently 22 weeks pregnant (Australia) and I still get routinely asked during every doctor/womens clinic appointment if I've taken the coof jab (and others). There's still brochures and posters everywhere in the hospital that say iTs BeTtEr To GeT tHe JaB tHaN tHe cOof and tHe AnTiBoDiEs GeT pAsSeD tO yOuR bAbY.
Currently 22 weeks pregnant (Australia) and I still get routinely asked during every doctor/womens clinic appointment if I've taken the coof jab (and others). There's still brochures and posters everywhere in the hospital that say iTs BeTtEr To GeT tHe JaB tHaN tHe cOof and tHe AnTiBoDiEs GeT pAsSeD tO yOuR bAbY.