Now the locals will have to get loans. Most likely taxes will go up drastically since the loans will be new loans and priced off of new prop values after rebuilding.
These locals most likely had no loans and taxes were extremely cheap if they have owned for generations.
It is so expensive to live in HA and these locals will have difficulty paying these new loans and taxes and will be forced to sell.
Of course the freak fire storm hit Ol Lahaina and not Honolulu
Now the locals will have to get loans. Most likely taxes will go up drastically since the loans will be new loans and priced off of new prop values after rebuilding. These locals most likely had no loans and taxes were extremely cheap if they have owned for generations. It is so expensive to live in HA and these locals will have difficulty paying these new loans and taxes and will be forced to sell. Of course the freak fire storm hit Ol Lahaina and not Honolulu