Book Attempting to Link Maui Tragedy to Climate Change Published Before Fires Extinguished * * by Danielle
A climate-change pushing propaganda book was published on while the fires raged in Maui. Although the fires continued until […]
It's people using AI to write garbage and print on demand self publishing to sell it.
Many books are made this way.
I remember all those books about Delta variant that come out the day after Delta was unveiled. I am sure they wrote those books in one night, kek
...the Devil finds work for idle hands...
Ironically the Digital Summer Hawaii 2023 supposed to commence on 9/25/23 in Maui …. You know the conference to push 15 min cities and turning all the islands over to AI ? Yeah that conference …. And now they have the land to begin the new developments!! More like prison camps! have a firm grasp of the situational reality...
Most people will never wake up die in one's sleep is a blessing....
I upvoted you on this … but I don’t fully agree..
Most people won’t have the choice to sleep or awaken… those that don’t or can’t will never survive …