This country was built from the ground up, not from the top down. His words say what many of us are thinking. It's not all about money because if there's love of God, of family, of friends you can be rich in ways the elite will never comprehend. Honest work for and honest day's pay was something we strived for. It was something we taught our kids because it's what our parents taught us. A handshake was as good as a hundred page contract. When a neighbor was in need you helped out. Trust, good will, honesty, good nature, a kind smile and hard work. I want those days back. I think all of us do.
This country was built from the ground up, not from the top down. His words say what many of us are thinking. It's not all about money because if there's love of God, of family, of friends you can be rich in ways the elite will never comprehend. Honest work for and honest day's pay was something we strived for. It was something we taught our kids because it's what our parents taught us. A handshake was as good as a hundred page contract. When a neighbor was in need you helped out. Trust, good will, honesty, good nature, a kind smile and hard work. I want those days back. I think all of us do.
🔥🔥 thanks. Awesome words! Yes yes yes . Heres to hoping he could post here on GAW😎
I've noticed that even now, people don't shake hands much anymore since we were attacked by covid. Handshake agreements are becoming rarer.