An example of the private ownership and control of a central bank can be found in the research of G. Edward Griffin in his book, the creature from Jekyll Island, which I recommend you buy and read and study. Even if a central bank’s frontmen are appointed by politicians and the bank's legal creation is facilitated by statute, this still has no bearing on the ultimate ownership and control of that bank. Just sit with that for a moment. Let this soak in. It's important everybody understands what is going on. That same story is likely with the creation of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the RBNZ, and that these so-called national banks are all middle banking management for a much larger and centralised system, overseen and master controlled by the Bank of International Settlements, the BIS in Switzerland. Here's a key. That BIS answers to no one, not even to Swiss national authorities
An example of the private ownership and control of a central bank can be found in the research of G. Edward Griffin in his book, the creature from Jekyll Island, which I recommend you buy and read and study. Even if a central bank’s frontmen are appointed by politicians and the bank's legal creation is facilitated by statute, this still has no bearing on the ultimate ownership and control of that bank. Just sit with that for a moment. Let this soak in. It's important everybody understands what is going on. That same story is likely with the creation of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the RBNZ, and that these so-called national banks are all middle banking management for a much larger and centralised system, overseen and master controlled by the Bank of International Settlements, the BIS in Switzerland. Here's a key. That BIS answers to no one, not even to Swiss national authorities