What was meant by Q post “The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.” ?
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Something keeps telling me there’s more to it than the obvious notion that it would make people very upset. Like 1% of people are not like the rest. On some organic level.
One thought I had on this is that something like 1% of the population is AB- blood type. My understanding is this is the blood type of the "elite" families and they'd kill everyone except those they can use for spare parts and transfusions. Maybe a bio-weapon targeting everyone else? who knows. (just a thought, multiple meanings exist etc, etc)
Original sin had nothing to do with an apple.
The seed of the serpent was the "forbidden fruit" IMHO.
Wrong, it literally tells you what it was in the Bible
I have my opinion (IMHO) and you have yours. Neither you nor I were there so saying I'm wrong is ignorant. I won't say that back to you Ape man.