A food truck owner on Maui said it's irresponsible for people like Jason Momoa to tell tourists the island is closed because loc...
Maui food truck owner Daniel Kalahiki said Lahaina is closed but small businesses on other parts of the island still need tourism business.
Yup cannot unsee the presser he was at and rubbing the little girls nipple. I think the pedo shit is way he separated from wife IMHO
I have always dreamt of going to Hawaii. I feel for them. I wish I could go see the whales.
Sneak preview of a whale: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fyHLmT1mGZ7wqFNPIaYgytLfWno=/0x0:5320x3540/1200x800/filters:focal(3035x444:3885x1294)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63700268/1142005332.jpg.0.jpg
Still want to go?
No, not the beached kind.
Not If al the whales look like that. Luckily God made some better looking ones that swim past Hawaii.
He’s a pedo. Caught touching his own daughter’s breast.
"People, you don't understand, I am famous so I get to stay and Oprah asked me to deliver a few messages, and I am also here for the relief effort."