WHAT? Book about Maui fires published BEFORE they even finished burning – NaturalNews.com
A book chronicling the “events of August 8-11, 2023,” in Maui, Hawaii, was published on Amazon this week – see the screenshot below – on August 10, before the “events” had even concluded. Notice that Dr. Miles Stones’ book “Fire and Fury: The Story of the ...
Has anyone done any digging on Dr. Stones? Is "Dr. Stones" a pen name for "Big Mike"?
Great suggestion. Found this after you get past their conspiracy ploy from the 1967 Cee Eye A memo. Already in damage control mode. People are on to them like stink on poop and that is a good thing.
Some people have been left puzzled by the fact the book was published on Amazon on August 10, just two days after the wildfires first started in Maui.
All donations to help Lahaina community have been blocked by social media Giants and networks.... Tulsi Gabbard announced she personally visited Lahaina and there is no help and no red cross or government aid happening. ( The Deep state want all donations stopped immediately even before it begins , because cia blackrock ect. Etc.ect etc. Elites area worried a world out reach of donations would rebuild Lahaina with out deep state control and their efforts to LAND GRAB Lahaina