WHAT? Book about Maui fires published BEFORE they even finished burning – NaturalNews.com
A book chronicling the “events of August 8-11, 2023,” in Maui, Hawaii, was published on Amazon this week – see the screenshot below – on August 10, before the “events” had even concluded. Notice that Dr. Miles Stones’ book “Fire and Fury: The Story of the ...
Written by AI?
Written and printed in two days ? It's a miracle.
It's Amazon publishing, the printing is on-demand. Not that difficult to generate 44 pages and throw it on Amazon.
Time to research and write this in two days. That's a stretch. The information is even today sketchy at best.
You're assuming it was researched, have you read it? It could just be 44 pages of surface level nonsense to try to take advantage of a current event.
Guy has published 17 books (18 with this Maui book, which was removed) this year on Amazon