My Husband Received This Text Claiming to be From the CDC
🤡 CDC Conspiracy Theory 🤡
We're curious as to the source as easy digging shows it originated in Singapore via Whatsapp. But who is texting it to Americans?
from the CDC
New Covid Health Advisory: Everyone is advised to wear a mask because the new COVID-Omicron XBB variant coronavirus is different, deadly and not easily detected properly:- Symptoms of the XBB virus are as follows:
- No cough.
- No fever. There will only be: 3. Joint pain. 4. Headache. 5. Neck pain. 6. Upper back pain. 7. Pneumonia. 8. General loss of appetite. XBB is 5 times more toxic than Delta variant and has a higher mortality rate. It takes a shorter time for the condition to reach extreme severity, and sometimes there are no obvious symptoms. This strain of the virus is not found in the nasopharyngeal region, and it directly affects the lungs, the "windows," for a relatively short period of time. Nasal swab tests are generally negative for COVID-Omicron XBB, and false-negative cases of nasopharyngeal tests are increasing. This means the virus can spread in the community and directly infect lungs, leading to viral pneumonia, which in turn causes acute respiratory stress. XBB has become highly contagious, highly virulent and lethal. Avoid crowded places, keep a distance of 1.5m even in open spaces, wear a double-layer mask, wear a suitable mask, wash hands frequently even when everyone is asymptomatic (no coughing or sneezing). Don't keep this information to yourself, share as much as possible with other relatives and friends, especially yours.🙏😔
This is all correct information you give. My point however is this. If we have a script they will follow it and use it against us.
What if you were taught and conditioned into that script so that you can be taken advantage of?
These people are playing a game that is bigger than generations. Its all encompassing, well though out, rehearsed, and they have spent fortunes we can’t comprehend. They have been studying people, groups, and communities around the world for centuries in the shadows and compiling that information to manipulate our psychology. They are playing in a battlefield 99% can’t even comprehend much less realize exist.
What if the next virus is engineered to go into hyperdrive with the addition of the medications we have been scripted to take?
We are at war. The battle field is changing rapidly. Their tactic is to go by no rules. You must to be fluid and not set rules.