Context: You can look up your email address at to see if your data has been breached.
Well, you can look up ANYONE'S email address there.
If someone grabs the specific houzz data and starts comparing the other data associated with the email address to other breaches we can build an entire profile of this email address' online presence.
Context: You can look up your email address at to see if your data has been breached.
Well, you can look up ANYONE'S email address there.
If someone grabs the specific houzz data and starts comparing the other data associated with the email address to other breaches we can build an entire profile of this email address' online presence.
How does one know that putting your info there won't actually lead to you being "pwned" ?
+1 this organization effectively aggregates combo lists from varying sources and allows you to search their database.
They sell bulk searches to cyber security firms for money, you aren't the product here.