The many faces of Uncle Festerman
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The forehead wrinkle is the same in all of them, weight fluctuates and so does lighting, but features like that don't.
I think it's him, not being a douche, just saying.
Slide on over my fren, I'm about to climb out on the limb with you, but I'm going to go one further. Fetterman is the "Keystone", and he 'cracked' (flipped) and spilled the bean on how and who "Stole Pa. elections". There are reasons he was put into the 'nut house' and there are no drugs and/or mind control to keep him from being the weakest link in the chain. Just some food for thought...
Interesting theory. Also would explain why his family left the country like they were on the run. I’m going to tuck this one away in case it comes to light.