Manager at my part time job is my personal friend also. Shes in her 40s. Vaxxed because her husband was dying of heart failure at the time and she believed the "do it for your at risk family."
Tells me today she has a family history of cancer and that about 15 years ago they found a lump during a mammogram, have monitored it since then and biopsies have shown it not to be malignant. Went in for another routine mammo last week and they called her within the day. They found a new lump and she goes in this week to get it looked at.
I told her about ivermectin and its efficacy with breast cancer and shes going to let me know what she finds out. I cant help but think its vax related and hope and pray this ends well for her.
Like Remo Gaggi says at the end of "Casino": "why take a chance? At least, that's the way I look at it."