posted ago by lightmeup777 ago by lightmeup777 +22 / -1

This post by Sundance on The Conservative Treehouse says a lot by not saying it directly:


I am posting the most relevant part of the Sundance post:

"As noted by President Trump, “The Left wants to intimidate YOU out of voting for a political outsider who puts the American people FIRST. But I walked into the lion’s den with one simple message on behalf of our entire movement: I WILL NEVER SURRENDER OUR MISSION TO SAVE AMERICA. (Visit Website Here)

The only way liars can retain a ruse is to remove truth and bury it under a fog of irrelevant material.

This is also the point where you must remember history, remember Solidarity, remind yourselves how the objective use of fear is utilized as a weapon – reference “operation fear” during the last days of Brexit.

The battle is for your mind; the battle is to stop you from recognizing reality and bury logic with emotion.

The agents who control the rigged systems are beyond “gaslighting” now; they have entered a phase where constructing and/or maintaining the false premise no longer works because contradictory empirical reality is visible.

Within this phase all truth-tellers must have their voices blocked. Be aware of this. Present company included.

This inflection threshold requires every voting American to understand in the near future we are going to be engaged in an insurgency.

At a particular point -when the levers of opposition unite- it becomes more difficult, perhaps impossible, to communicate. However, with an insurgency you already know what to do. Further discussion is not needed. Stay tuned…."

This is as relevant to us here as it is to all MAGA outlets and gathering places. They WILL shut down all opposition sources and routes of communications.

What then frens ?