Time to Prepare for The Mask Mandates - Just in Case
- N C S W I C -
Talked to several coworkers today about what if the company mandates masks. A couple guys said they weren't going to do it - too much of a health risk, not to mention the BS factor. I said if we all stick together, they will have a tough time replacing us all.
I know, anyone can be replaced, but some skills are harder to come by, and if they let us all go, it would be very disruptive.
I am going to be 100% NOPE in stores and in the general public, but here is my dilemma.... Over a month ago I booked a flight for early October to go thousands of miles to visit my mom and dad for a week. They are old and every time I see them, I know it could be the last. TSA is not going to accept my NOPE..... wut do???? I don't want to become the next "that mf is not real" viral clip as they taze me and drag me kicking and screaming out of the airport....
Do what you gotta do, wear the least compliant mask you can get away with. Protest where you can and never get the clot shot but your individual protest against the FAA is less impactful than the positive of seeing your folks…