I broke a rib from Mononucleosis in the 1960’s — yet I’m still here—
I guess I just don’t understand the urgency to “think you’re gonna die from a freaking virus that will always become more contagious but less deadly as it evolves “ — please just let kiddos get sick - fever serves a purpose (to a degree) and eat well, live well and get over this stupid crap of going to the “doctor/er/ clinic for every damn thing — my grandparents et al lived into their 90’s with no health insurance or visits to doctors— and that said I’m the only 70+ yo on no medication and I’m just fine
I broke a rib from Mononucleosis in the 1960’s — yet I’m still here— I guess I just don’t understand the urgency to “think you’re gonna die from a freaking virus that will always become more contagious but less deadly as it evolves “ — please just let kiddos get sick - fever serves a purpose (to a degree) and eat well, live well and get over this stupid crap of going to the “doctor/er/ clinic for every damn thing — my grandparents et al lived into their 90’s with no health insurance or visits to doctors— and that said I’m the only 70+ yo on no medication and I’m just fine