I look at houses on Zillow all the time. I recently found a house on <7500 sqf lot, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and 1600 sqf for $280k. You just have to pretend you don’t notice the caved in roof, the holes in the walls, the black spots on the frame that are likely black mold and missing sinks and toilets. It’s uninhabitable but described as a “fixer upper”
I look at houses on Zillow all the time. I recently found a house on <7500 sqf lot, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and 1600 sqf for $280k. You just have to pretend you don’t notice the caved in roof, the holes in the walls, the black spots on the frame that are likely black mold and missing sinks and toilets. It’s uninhabitable but described as a “fixer upper”
...sadly true...