The emperor has no clothes
This expression is used to describe a situation in which people are afraid to criticize something or someone because the perceived wisdom of the masses is that the thing or person is good or important.
We all knew the night of the elections were being rigged.
Our politicians KNEW it too, they did nothing.
You are correct! This has been going on for decades and decades. The DEEP STATE decides who they want as their puppet and sometimes it is a Democrat and at other times it is a Republican.
Until Donald John Trump came along and he did not need or want their corrupt / blood stained money.
The emperor has no clothes This expression is used to describe a situation in which people are afraid to criticize something or someone because the perceived wisdom of the masses is that the thing or person is good or important. We all knew the night of the elections were being rigged. Our politicians KNEW it too, they did nothing.
Life in this country has been a nightmare for decades and only getting worse yet the same fossils keep getting into office.
Politicians have single digit approval ratings yet 80-90% win re-election? Newsom wins a recall? Bullshit.
You are correct! This has been going on for decades and decades. The DEEP STATE decides who they want as their puppet and sometimes it is a Democrat and at other times it is a Republican.
Until Donald John Trump came along and he did not need or want their corrupt / blood stained money.