263 About Time! 👉ARMED PATRIOTS ARRESTING MAUI POLICE 👮‍♀️FOR TREASON👇 (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by HonestAnnie 1 year ago by HonestAnnie +271 / -8 181 comments share 181 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They better grab the mayor, the siren guy, and the shut off the water dude. Operation clean sweep!
Don't forget the Maui thief of police/coroner, Pelletier.
How cool would that be if they arrested the mayor and others who gave orders to the police... then it will all start to unravel.
This is the only way to get rid of corrupted officials since our Elections are FUKD and We The People, pay their salaries through our hard labour in the form of TAXES.
Corrupt officials WIN WIN WIN We the citizens ALWAYS LOOSE! LOOSE! LOOSE!
Hang some cocoanuts to these guys balls until they fall off, and it will send a clear signal.