That's a theory. Any theory is good till proven otherwise 😁
It could make for a decent TV movie (ok, so maybe the writer's have to polish up the script) 😆zzzzzzzzz
But it's hopium at the very least.
I've seen copycats start with less of a push, so maybe even if it were fake, it inspires true patriots to use the actual right of citizens arrest to take down some actual bad cops -- and most people agree the cops in HA on that day were downright evil.
That video wreaks of BS (I'm a vet btw). The guy sounds like a paid actor with a terrible script.
That's a theory. Any theory is good till proven otherwise 😁
It could make for a decent TV movie (ok, so maybe the writer's have to polish up the script) 😆zzzzzzzzz
But it's hopium at the very least.
I've seen copycats start with less of a push, so maybe even if it were fake, it inspires true patriots to use the actual right of citizens arrest to take down some actual bad cops -- and most people agree the cops in HA on that day were downright evil.