Been going down the whole ascension rabbit hole and came across neville goddard. Started reading one of his books. Saw some success stories online.
Anyone experienced?
Edit: I also sometimes think that Q was partly a psyop to keep a certain amount of people believing that we will defeat the cabal and this help manifest that in 3d. Also prayer and God wins etc is about faith and believing that everything will be good.
What does the MSM constantly do? Keep us focused on fear. Low vibrational energy. When we feel something will happen, it will happen if we focus on it a lot. Etc.
Neville Goddard's teachings are very valuable. I do not consider his belief that Jesus is not divine, as a reason to disregard his work. That one idea, is HIS business with God. Nor does his belief about it affect my own. And frankly the Old Testament is not the guide for life after Jesus' birth and resurrection. It is different to be a New Covenant Christian. It does not equal "new age". It is about a loving God not a terrifying one and about grace not condemnation. Conscience and intention not those rules no one can follow. People will be accountable for what is in their hearts. Many are the people who start out being universalists and end up learning and praying their way into a personal relationship with Jesus and an understanding that he was more than just a mortal man. And for the students of the old testament all the prophesies support that. It is not anti-Christian to know that what we think and say affects our own lives. It is personal accountability and free will. There is no way to say anything at all without someone being offended or trying to attack one for speaking what they believe.
You can't just throw out the old testament, that's the same God in the New. God cannot contradict himself. There is a time for mercy and a time for wrath.
If I may go on a tangent, God's divine servants are certainly still imperfect and may contradict themselves and each other. As evident by Lucifer's fall from grace, even the greatest of angels are limited, and thus flawed. And we humans are even more flawed; we may be erroneously attributing to God many Old Testament-era actions, commands, and attitudes that might actually be from His numerous lower imperfect servants of the Elohim collective. Possibly that's the reason for sending perfect Christ into this imperfect world in the first place; maybe God decided that the conditions were right for Him to stop delegating the bulk of His plan to divine servants, and to start taking more direct action Himself through Christ.