Robert Kennedy Jr., Democrat candidate for the Presidency, says that BlackRock is robbing Americans of the ability to purchase homes. He explained how investment firms are purchasing homes with all cash offers and outbidding the average American homebuyer. Then they rent those homes to people at high rates.
Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Monthly mortgage payments for homebuyers are up 20 percent just in the last year and that’s because interest rates have doubled. Meanwhile, the cost of the average home has gone from $250 thousand to $400 thousand just since 2019. And those higher home prices have also driven up the cost of rent. So now Americans are paying a third of their income for rent. That’s the highest ratio since records were kept.”
Black Rock + State Street + Vanguard are robbing Americans of the ability to own homes. I have a plan to stop them — and to start a housing boom for everyone. #Kennedy24
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 3, 2023
They are literally betting the bank on winning, since owning unsellable houses is a lose, lose situation, or doing their bit to bring down the economy. Both probably.
Robert Kennedy Jr., Democrat candidate for the Presidency, says that BlackRock is robbing Americans of the ability to purchase homes. He explained how investment firms are purchasing homes with all cash offers and outbidding the average American homebuyer. Then they rent those homes to people at high rates.
Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Monthly mortgage payments for homebuyers are up 20 percent just in the last year and that’s because interest rates have doubled. Meanwhile, the cost of the average home has gone from $250 thousand to $400 thousand just since 2019. And those higher home prices have also driven up the cost of rent. So now Americans are paying a third of their income for rent. That’s the highest ratio since records were kept.”
Black Rock + State Street + Vanguard are robbing Americans of the ability to own homes. I have a plan to stop them — and to start a housing boom for everyone. #Kennedy24
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) September 3, 2023
There needs to be legislation to stop this, they are permanently taking homes out of the pipeline for average americans to own
They are literally betting the bank on winning, since owning unsellable houses is a lose, lose situation, or doing their bit to bring down the economy. Both probably. Met Life says:
You might also want to carefully look at the evidence Mr. Kennedy is ably putting forward