So I had to share my thoughts as I had another ray of hope, another sigh of relief in my circle of family and friends. I was talking to a beloved family member who I’d tried in the past, unsuccessfully, to dissuade from the jabs. She was, this time, going on about how so many people she knows are dying or sick and I added some of my stories (of people dying or becoming ill) to the mix. I took a deep breath, knowing I hadn’t had any success in the past with her about this, and - once again - said that “I truly believe this is due to those covid shots and boosters.” THIS TIME the response made my heart soar!
THIS TIME she went on about how she agrees, that she’s not ever getting another shot or booster and that she’s praying to God that she and others in her family who took them will be okay. She said how people were making money (said crooked politicians and investors) off pushing this while others are getting sick and dying. Gets better. …. She went on to complain that this country is screwed up, ridiculous things are happening and then said “We need Trump back in office!” and asked if I knew about what they’re trying to do to stop him. She wants to talk again, she had company there so we were limited in time. I can’t even tell you how relieved I am, how thankful to God for this.
What seemed to move the veil from her eyes is the sickness/death, the obvious financial conflicts-of-interest by those pushing this poison, the economy with prices skyrocketing, the obvious ludicrousness in government ‘policies’ and the blatant attacks on Trump by a rabid, corrupt DOJ.
Everyone goes at their own pace, but conditions may be ripe for you to try again with those you’ve been unsuccessful with in the past. My advice - Take it slow, don’t push, let them lead and, if the opportunity arises, try to interject a red pill. Don’t try to shove too many down their throats at once. Synch up, bond, add a pill or two if you can and then see if you can go for another red-pilling session in the near future. At least that’s my strategy. I also plan on using this interaction to help sway others “You know XX? Well, even they refuse to take another shot or booster! So many people she knows are dying.”
Thank You, Lord. Thank you, Q-team, Trump and all patriots standing firm and fighting, those helping each other by lifting spirits, spreading truth, shining the light into the darkness. We have a long way to go, but I’m praying daily for not only my beloved, but for all of our beloved family and friends and all good people here in the States and across the globe. Lord, thank You! 🙏✝️
I’m glad you had success. I failed yet again. Such is life. Keep on redpilling.
I’ve failed (repeatedly) in the past and recently as well, have been able to reach just a couple of them. This one, anon, was brought out of her slumber by The Plan, not me. Knowing that I’d tried to warn her in the past, she’s now wanting to talk to me more about all this and so my exercise is to shepherd her into understanding by letting her go at her own pace and steering clear of the more “severe” aspects of what we know.
I periodically monitor FNM (or, as I refer to it, I wade into the filth of FNM) to see what’s being shown to the sleeping normies. The Plan allowed the (at least partial) tamping down of censorship so that some of the background info (like the conflict of interest info and some warnings by honest medical doctors) can get out to the general public. The actual pain (deaths, illnesses, horrible economy, bully tactics of this fake administration, etc) is a reality that even FNM BS and it’s feeble attempts at obfuscation can’t hide from people.
Like you, I have several more beloved who I haven’t had any success with, but I’m just going to keep trying. I have a feeling that whenever we reach “critical mass”, when the obstinate sleepers are made to realize that they’re in a dwindling minority who still believe the lies, things will change more rapidly.
Please don’t lose faith. I’ll pray for you and your loved ones that they’ll awaken and break free from this insidious mind trap they’re in. When your loved ones start to break free just be there for them because, like most, I imagine, they’ve surrounded themselves with likeminded people they can’t discuss any of this with and they’ll welcome the opportunity to talk about these matters with you. This is incredibly hard, I know, the waiting, the worrying, the pushback, rejection and worse. If nothing else the past few years have taught us that we have little to no control over another adult’s choices in life. Free will - has its benefits and drawbacks. Just be ready to be there for them as they awaken.
Thank you fren for the kind words. What I’m sick and tired of is this tribalism…on both sides.
People are not in their right state of mind. Everyone’s so eager to fight back whenever their ideology is challenged. On this site as well. It really reminds me of that scene in Kingsmen where the phone triggers mass aggression. That’s literally how I feel people are now.
Thank you for your prayers fren. I’m also praying for strength. For courage. For mercy. I don’t how to reach through to the prideful and the fearful. One good thing that has come out of this is the enrichment of my reading of the Bible. I can just imagine what Moses, Jeremiah, Jesus and all the other preachers who were going against the grain had to go through. (Not saying what I’m doing is comparable, not even close.)
I hear you. My heart, my mind, my spirit (and my stomach, frankly) have been put through the proverbial grinder repeatedly these past few years. I’m praying daily for much the same as you are, trying real hard to rise above and often feeling as if I’m barely hanging in there. You’re so right about the Bible and I think it truly helps to understand that we’re not the first people to have gone through this - not by far and not even as bad as some others have had it. We’ll get through this - and let’s not forget those who are truly suffering during this - the trafficking victims. These beasts have been plying their evil and malevolence for millennia. All we can do is put on the armor of God and keep fighting.
The fact is, the human spirit is incredibly resilient. I remember years ago meeting an elderly Russian woman who was, for a time, confined in a labor camp and you know what she shared with me? How she and the others would drink vodka, sing folk songs and dance at night before they were freed! This beautiful, petite woman was clapping her hands with happiness gleaming from her eyes and a smile on her face remembering what was probably one of only a few glimmers of hope in what must have been a desperate situation. That’s the main thing she kept in her heart after that ordeal. I remember that conversation decades later. Godspeed, anon.
Thank you for the inspiration. Godspeed.