DECLAS starts with what? The [D]!
- N C S W I C -
Obamma being outed as a [D]ick sucking Crackhead corrupt as fuck scumbag on the biggest independent news show, bigger than the MSM now, is the turning of the faucet. THE DECLAS STARTS WITH THE [D]!
The energy this last week has been so much different, and I'm feeling a sort of peace, knowing that... well, not to be cliche, but, everyone else is going to find out what we already know... and that means NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!
Why would it not all end up anchoring on what boils down to a gay [D]ick joke? This FUCKING timeline LOL!!!
[C]oats before [D]eclas. The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT.
[C]oats are right around the corner now..
after a few day heat wave here the other morning was cold enough I needed a hoodie for the morning bike to work :)
More importantly, once his base erodes sufficiently, we can hope that what follows is:
But which one? Barack or Michael's? Does one out the other? Haha!
It all started a couple of weeks ago with the naked chef, hot dog paddle board death party!