Everything in this Operation has been happening in a very systematic and orderly fashion. If you want to come up with a fundamental rule - Rule #0 in Q Operation - it would be:
WHs do not openly take more control than necessary, publicly, at each point of this operation
With this in mind, lets look at the make up of the Senate and House, since Trump came to power:
Senate House
2017-2019 R R
2019-2021 R D
2021-2023 D D
2023-2025 D R
If you write it in the notation of who controls Senate and House in each period, you get the sequence: RR, RD, DD, DR
There are two incredible things about it.
First: the sequence is unique, and it goes through all combinations. Mathematical probability of this happening by chance is 1 in 256.
Second: What is the next in this sequence? What can we expect in 2024, assuming this sequence holds? Why of course RR. As in, control of both House and Senate again, in 2024. Exciting right?
But is it all random though? What purpose would this serve other than creating a fancy sequence? I would argue that, if we apply the Rule #0 from above, this sequence shows different phases in this Operation, where different amount of public control was necessary. Lets look at each one in a bit more details:
When Trump came in, he was walking into the den of snakes. Arguably, this was the most vulnerable part of the Operation and he needed all the support he could get. So it makes sense that right off the bat we had both the House and the Senate.
This is when the Cabal realized they needed to counter Trump in all possible ways. Especially impeachment. If you want to let them proceed as far as they can in impeaching, but still keep the presidency safe, what do you require? Senate.
Q Post 2548 - right after 2018 midterms, Q explains this in more detail and ends with:
This is juicy. Start of the devolution. The white hats are out of power and the Cabal puppets can do whatever they want. How do you make your enemy think they are in control? Thats right - you give them all the levers - Not only just presidency, but also Senate and House.
This is like the warrior throwing away all the weapons and standing with bare arms, egging the villains to attack him one last time.
This is also the indication that this was the least risky part of the operation!
The operation is ending, and disclosure is starting. Twitter take down, MSM taking their last breaths, trolling everywhere, openly. But whats the official channel for disclosure, to the people, more than anything else? Whats the public face of this information warfare? Think about Pelosi and Jan 6th committee: House Committees !!
We have been watching the disclosures in the House and the whistleblowers all year long, and thats why we need the House.
So what does it mean in 2024 elections? What comes next?
We will be taking control of both the House and the Senate, completely, as this Operation ends, and we bring the world back from the precipice.
House is secure - one vote and McCarthy will be gone, and Trump can become the speaker (if necessary).
But Senate? If we take control of Senate, and Mitch is in the captain's seat - thats no fun.
If you reached this far, and not laughing with glee, its probably because you stuffed your mouth with popcorn. But yeah, fun times ahead. Mitch is glitching for a reason, because we are getting ready for the landing.
And with that, enjoy the latest GIF: u/# MitchGlitch
(without the space)