According to several Q posts, Flynn know where all the bodies are buried.
On 9-11, it was reported by independent journalists that all four airplanes flew into Westbrook Air Force Base in Portland, Maine in the 9-11 ruse. What happened to all the crew members & passengers on those planes?
Is it remotely possible that General Mike Flynn knew of the CIA-False Flag event of 9-11 and KNOWS WHERE ALL THE BODIES ARE BURIED? The bodies of all those crew & passengers from those flights as part of their nefarious false flag agenda.
Is this why they had to get rid of Flynn? Remember Obama said to Trump as president elect; US biggest fears are Russia & Flynn.
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If Flynn knew were the bodies were buried, and had proof he would be buried along with the other bodies
And since he is not, and still knows where the bodies are buried, it means he has an insurance.
As Q said: We protect our Patriots.
I agree...Flynn has been under constant WH protection.
Very dasting theory Isvogel...I like it! 👏
Thanks! My over imagination on the duality of Q post meanings! Flynn's insurance policy. As counter intelligence, Flynn must know all sorts nefarious agenda's perpetrated by the Black-ops CIA-False Flags, War mongering in foreign countries, Drugs/Guns running, Human Trafficking, Color Revolutions, etc etc!
Yep...right with you on these thoughts!