It goes so much deeper than you think. Those kids were tricked into performing a ritual. Bush and the teacher representing the God and Goddess of witchcraft. The rhythmic drum beating of the goddess/teacher, correcting and making them do it over when the NL were not correct ....
This is actually frightening to watch this again with what I know now.
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God
It goes so much deeper than you think. Those kids were tricked into performing a ritual. Bush and the teacher representing the God and Goddess of witchcraft. The rhythmic drum beating of the goddess/teacher, correcting and making them do it over when the NL were not correct ....
This is actually frightening to watch this again with what I know now.
By ordering th3em to pick up their books right after, she made them bow. Bob Dylan admitting who the chief commander is. Commander in chief.
2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God