posted ago by HelloDolly ago by HelloDolly +41 / -0

I was thinking today about how I will have to reassure my Mom and sister, etc., when the WWIII or nuclear threat or internet shutdown or whatever comes. It dawned on me then that we are not only supposed to be there to inform but to be the calm in the storm. We have all come such a long way if you think back. I remember panicking when they announced the Mueller investigation. Now Trump is being prosecuted in four separate criminal cases and I am not only not panicked, but kind of relieved that we must be getting to the end.

There's nothing more reassuring when you are frightened than to be around someone who isn't. And from a psyop perspective, the ground for redpilling is never more fertile. Because we all believe what we want to believe to some extent. Right now, sheep don't want to believe that their government hates them or would do them harm. Or that there are evil elites that run the world. BUT, when they are desperate to believe that everything will be okay, they will be all ears. And they will want to believe, because their lives will depend on it.