We anons and the independent news are a big reason why. The Cabal used to control the media. Now almost no one watches "Mainstream Media." Last I heard, it was down to 8%. It's hard to run a brainwashing operation when almost no one is brainwashed. So they are madly faking it. One of the funniest examples is when they do "Fake Nazis." I seem to remember them just trying to do this again in Florida.
We anons and the independent news are a big reason why. The Cabal used to control the media. Now almost no one watches "Mainstream Media." Last I heard, it was down to 8%. It's hard to run a brainwashing operation when almost no one is brainwashed. So they are madly faking it. One of the funniest examples is when they do "Fake Nazis." I seem to remember them just trying to do this again in Florida.